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“Oh, sorry, I just lost my wig. “- As a mysterious evaluator, have you ever been in a similar situation? This is the story of a young man named Sam, Which is quite good, but needs to improve a bit. Obviously we changed his name but the story is real.

The extraordinary story of a Mystery Evaluator

There was once a mysterious evaluator who dreamed of being the best of them all. As you can imagine this did not start very well. Let’s see some of the encounters of our protagonist.

In the visits – always chequea Work and never reveal your identity.

Resource Manager:  – Good morning, Bare International. How can I help you?

Sam: – Hello, my name is Sam. I checked in last week and already paid a visit, but I can not see it on my evaluator log (Shop log).

RM: – Hi Sam, I’m sorry, I can not see her either. Did you receive a notification email that indicated that the visit was assigned?

Sam: –  Emm … no … yes! I think so.

RM: – Are you sure? It’s weird because I’m seeing that visit I assigned to another evaluator.

Sam: – Wait, does that mean I’m not getting paid?

RM: – Well, in the case of this visit as never was assigned, no. We can not pay you for something we do not ask you to do.

Sam: – But I did everything perfect, I even wore a wig!

MR: – Sorry … I understood, did you put on a wig?

Sam: Yes, a wig. Black long.

RM: – Do you usually wear a wig?

Sam:– Do not misunderstand me, I have hair. Must be why the wig dropped me.

RM: – Was that before or after the visit?

Sam: – During the visit.

RM: – Lost the wig in the middle of the visit !?

Sam: Yes, but I was smart enough not to stress that it was a mysterious visit.

After this first shock, the Resource Manager y Sam They agreed to start over. The RM assigned him a visit. Sam received the confirmation e-mail and then made his first real visit.

All was well until one day one of the visits required that he present a test. A photo that had to be taken inside the store and in which the logo of the mark was to be seen.- Easy, no? What can go wrong in a mysterious visit?

Sam: – Hi, what was the problem? I sent the photo…

RM: – He sent us two photos. One of you with the store clerk…

Sam:- Yes, it was super fun!

RM: – Okay, but no brand logo is visible. And you do not need a selfie with employees, it’s a little suspicious.

Sam:– Okay, but I also sent someone else?

SM: – Yes … but it’s very small. We can not see the logo or anything. Could you send us one with more resolution?

Sam: – Oh no i can not.

RM: – Why not?

Sam: – I took that photo with my computer.

RM: – With the camera of your computer, the small one that brings in the front?

Sam: – Yes

RM: – To be a little more creative?

Sam: – When I was about to finish my visit and take the photo my cell phone ran out of battery. Luckily I had the computer with me

RM: – Emm .. Next be sure to carry it loaded.

Sam: – So next time, I take the photo before the visit?

RM: – If you want them to discover that you are a mysterious evaluator, Otherwise.

Poor Sam felt that being a mysterious evaluator was not for him. The good thing is that he did not give up. Neither should you do it.

This is the end of Sam’s story though we are sure more stories will come. Remember: if you do not wear a wig in your daily life better leave it at home. It is better for the wig, for your Resource Manager and for you.

Anita Kocsisfacebook_profile picture

Anita is an employee of Bare International. Apart from his work on the Social Media and Recruiting team, he loves to practice yoga, read and travel. Innovations and technology are passionate about it. He holds a master’s degree in International Business and Economics.

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