Tag Archive for: investigación de mercado

On 15 March each year, World Consumer Day celebrates the power of the consumer and their role in the global marketplace. Established by the United Nations in 1983, World Consumer Day recognizes the importance of consumer rights and highlights their contribution to the economy. This day calls for increased public awareness of the rights and responsibilities of consumers, as well as their contribution to the sustainability of the global economy. As such, World Consumer Day is an important opportunity to reflect on the impact we have as consumers and to look at ways to celebrate our role responsibly.

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Good Manufacturing Practices, commonly known as GMP, maintain the integrity of the final products. They ensure that the highest standards are met while carrying out sound operations. 

These practices are just as important in the food industry as in the manufacturing industry. Especially with the rise of consumer awareness and food safety issues, consumers expect businesses to take responsibility for conforming to all food safety, quality, and consumer attribute requirements. 

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Many of us have already had the experience of going out shopping for “some” little things and ending up with half of our empty bank account. But did you know that there are some companies that pay you to go Read more